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Paul BettanySenior Designer

EmailMarketing Services

No other platform comes close to having this many daily active users as email, which is used by almost 3.9 billion people globally. Are you utilising email marketing to its fullest potential in your business plan?

Don't pass up the chance to promote your business to the right clients at the right time and boost sales. Hire the goal-driven email marketing services of digininja360 Internet Marketing Agency, and we'll create an email campaign that properly matches your company's goals.

What isEmail Marketing Services?

Create a Loyal Community for Your Business
There is no more effective digital marketing strategy than email marketing for creating and converting leads.
Despite the popularity and rise of mobile messengers and chat apps, studies reveal that approximately 61 percent of customers still favour email-facilitated brand contacts. This preference cuts across genders and age groups.
Email marketing is more important than ever because of its widespread use and its worldwide relevance.

Services forEmail Marketing

What is email marketing? Thousands of businesses use email marketing as a component of their digital marketing plans to build connections with customers, promote their brands, and boost sales.

Email marketing companies employ a range of email service providers to send out automated, personalised marketing emails with company promotions and announcements (ESPs). Everything from weekly newsletters and promotional notifications to customer survey forms and event invitations can be sent using email marketing. Globally, email is used as a content distribution channel by an astounding 87 percent of business-to-business (B2B) marketers and 79% of business-to-consumer (B2C) ads. Are you utilising email marketing services to their full potential to grow and market your business? How well has your email marketing approach fared in the competitive online space? To determine the most effective technique to move email contacts through your sales funnel, start creating your email marketing plan right away.

Utilize Digininja360to Control Your Email Marketing Optimization.

Services for MailChimp email marketing

Lack of understanding of email marketing, including how to use it successfully for B2B and B2C transactions, can have negative effects on advertising strategies, customer volume, and overall business success.

Avert this from happening to your brand. Profit from the conversion-focused email marketing services provided by the leading email marketing companies and manage your online marketing budget wisely.

The digininja360 Internet Marketing Agency offers a variety of email marketing services that are tailored to your business, your budget, and your target market. Set up a meeting with our email marketing firm and let’s discuss how crucial services are to achieving your goals.

why is email marketing so crucial?

Boost customer value and produce noteworthy effects

It is impossible to exaggerate the importance of email marketing to a digital brand’s success. Online email marketing is one of the top marketing techniques for generating business leads and offering a high return on investment (ROI). Approximately 61 percent of email subscribers indicate they would want to receive promotional marketing emails every week, and studies show that after receiving web email marketing communications, consumers are more likely to spend money with a company. A stunning 3,800% ROI, or $38 for every dollar invested in an email marketing campaign, was also recorded by marketers.

Evidently, using online email marketing to connect with specific clients and increase revenue is a great idea. If you haven’t started your email marketing planning, now is the time to do so. Speak with an email marketing specialist and come up with some broad ideas on how to develop your business.

An Overview of Email Marketing

Given the accessibility of social media platforms and the exponential growth in social media users over time, many marketers ponder the value of email marketing. The truth is that people still check their emails to get exclusive offers from the brands they care about. In actuality, 44% of users check their emails for company promotions, whereas only 4% utilise social media to find out about marketing campaigns. That is merely the very tip of the iceberg. With the abundance of options that web email marketing provides, you are getting closer to increasing conversions for your company. Not yet persuaded of the value of email marketing for expanding brands? Additional justifications for the necessity of using an email marketing campaign service include:

Increase Client Loyalty

Regular brand interactions are necessary for building strong client relationships, and normal web email marketing conversations with the customer enable any business to build brand loyalty while boosting sales. The finest email campaigns also cost six to twelve times less to interact with and promote to a current customer than other marketing channels like paid advertising or social media marketing. Targeted email marketing initiatives increase sales while simultaneously costing less. Boost the Area of Your Business Email campaigns have a higher reach and engagement potential than conventional marketing strategies, according to research. According to statistics, 92 percent of internet users have at least one email account, and 72% of email users check their inboxes more than six times per day. Experts in email marketing may assist you in reaching your target markets on any device while remaining non-intrusive and CAN-SPAM Act compliant.

Connect With Various Publics

One of the numerous advantages of using B2C and B2B email marketing to reach your customers is hyper-personalized communication. Marketing emails give you the opportunity to offer distinctive discounts and codes, personalised messages, and data-driven campaigns based on criteria like birthdays, regions, and customer lifetime value, whereas traditional marketing methods prioritise communicating a broad message to a wide audience (CLV). Instead of concentrating your efforts on a single campaign, you can personally connect with a variety of target segments.

Spend less time and effort

Email marketing requires substantially less work than traditional marketing for small businesses, franchises, and multi-location companies. For each dispersed campaign, there is no need for labelling or postage to be taken into account. With the help of targeted email marketing, you can quickly connect with and interact with small or large numbers of your intended market segments. The top email marketing agencies can help you if you don’t have the time to study the ins and outs of email campaign optimization. Test email campaigns to achieve the best outcomes. There are several strategies to test online email marketing to discover if your marketing efforts are successful. Almost every aspect of your email campaign, from the subject line and time of send to the email campaign’s content, may be examined using A/B and multivariate testing. This provides useful information about where your email marketing approach may need to be modified to increase the effectiveness of your email messages.

Analyze Your Data

The data and analytics given by email marketing software offer insightful information on the effectiveness of your deployed campaigns and targeted email marketing initiatives. The open rates, click rates, click-through rates (CTRs), bounces, and conversions are the interaction metrics that are most frequently reported. An expert in email marketing can decipher the figures and translate them into useful applications to better contact your audiences, depending on your marketing objectives. Approximately 306.4 billion emails are sent and received daily, according to Statista. How can you be sure your email advertisements are effective at grabbing clients’ attention?

With assistance from our email marketing company, you may forge direct connections with your prospects and clients and increase customer loyalty. For small businesses, Fortune 500 enterprises, and multi-location agencies, we offer email marketing services. Learn how our email campaign services can support your marketing initiatives.

The Return on Investment for Email Marketing ServicesThat Drive Conversions Is Unparalleled

In order to provide marketing automation services that add value and boost profitability, we invest in cutting-edge email marketing software and carry out ongoing training at the digininja360 Internet Marketing Agency. Here are some examples of how our email marketing services helped our clients’ businesses grow:

Retro Toy Manufacturing



How digininja360 Aided The Client: To boost the effectiveness of email campaigns, our email marketing business redesigned the client’s current email marketing strategy and introduced drip marketing automation. The colourful, retro aesthetic of the client was reflected in the email marketing designs made by the email marketing experts at digininja360. The new email marketing designs and automated email marketing procedures have produced 116,894 emails delivered and 127 conversions in just one year of using our targeted email marketing services.


Factoring Company

The company contacted our email marketing agency to improve the optimization of its email campaigns and to develop email marketing designs that would serve as email templates for subsequent marketing campaigns. This is how digininja360 helped the client. Our email marketing specialists created four email marketing designs that coordinate with the client’s website branding in order to streamline the client’s lead generating efforts. Drop-down menus, accordion menus, and other features that the previous email version did not support were made possible by the AMP HTML email code used by our email marketing company. Our email marketing company has worked with thousands of companies to create time and money-efficient targeted email marketing programmes over the years; we can do the same for you. Our email marketing specialists can help you whether you require email marketing services for eCommerce, Shopify, or other sectors.

To find out more about our email marketing campaign services, get in touch with our email firm right away.

How effective is automated email marketing?

Services for marketing automation are intended to keep clients and prospects interested in doing business with your company. With drip email marketing, you can:

  • Nurture and convert prospects into qualified leads
  • Increase customer retention
  • Automate monotonous B2C and B2B email marketing
  • Open doors for upselling and cross-selling
  • Generate better email marketing return on investment
  • Boost customer engagement and loyalty
  • Deliver a relevant brand message
  • Capture abandoned carts

Need help with email marketing automation?

Timing and relevancy are the key components of drip email marketing. Our email marketing automation company is able to develop a highly segmented drip marketing campaign that generates high open rates and click rates by carefully monitoring a number of intent signals, such as user interest, information need, and other behavioural indicators.

Get a top email marketing solution that diversifies your drip email marketing efforts when you work with our email marketing automation agency.

Email MarketingManagement

Need assistance with your recurring email services? Our email company works with your internal team to create an email marketing strategy that is profitable over the long term. Our service for email marketing campaigns includes:


  • Review of Marketing Targeting and Goals

How well does email marketing help you achieve your brand’s goals? As a premier email marketing solution provider, we collaborate with you to fully comprehend your email marketing objectives. We examine your target group, search for missing chances from campaigns that have been sent up to this point, and create a plan to achieve your specific objectives.


  • Coordination of brand assets and guidelines

Gaining an email marketing return on investment requires consistency. Because of this, we follow your brand guidelines. We also recognise that content requirements fluctuate, so our account managers gather all the resources required to advance brand success and create a marketing calendar. In this way, you are aware of the next campaigns.


  • Campaign Planning and Execution

We take care of everything from beginning to end with our email marketing campaign service, so you don’t need to worry about a thing. Want to create your own email newsletter? Each email is designed and developed to your specifications by our email marketing newsletter team. You may trust that we at our email marketing company are constantly working to achieve your objectives.


  • Continued List Upkeep

Reputable email marketing businesses ensure that you are targeting the appropriate people and segmenting inactive contacts in addition to concentrating on engaging your audience. With our continual list management, as an email marketing services provider, we hope to steadily enhance interaction. Every time, we make sure the appropriate message is sent to the appropriate contact.


  • Tracking and reporting of campaigns

Your email marketing initiatives are the subject of thorough monthly reports from our email marketing optimization team. Each campaign sent during the previous month is broken down in these reports, showcasing engagement data like open rate, click rate, conversions, and more! Additionally, we arrange frequent meetings with your team to go through the report.


  • Maintaining Control and Optimisation

Sometimes more effort is required to guarantee the finest possible health for your ESP. Additional segmentation, list purging, updating the marketing plan based on engagement, and many other things can fall under this category. Our email marketing team puts a lot of effort into making sure your account is optimised and performs at its best..

Services for Email MarketingCampaigns with Digininja260

Brand Communication Strategies That Attract More Clients We make sure that all of our email campaign services match our clients’ needs and marketing budgets as one of the most reputable email marketing businesses in the business. We offer several targeted email marketing services, depending on your email marketing objectives.


  • Performance Evaluation and Strategy for Email Marketing

Your email marketing approach must change as trends come and go. Our email marketing business conducts audits of both B2C and B2B email marketing to identify variables that affect your marketing success and identify problems that interfere with your email marketing strategy. Our email support includes:


  • Review of campaigns and templates

To gain a clear picture of your email marketing performance and engagement, our email marketing professionals examine your email templates and email campaigns from the last 12 months. We examine the layout, subject line, and calls-to-action (CTAs) of your emails to find flaws and inefficiencies.


  • Technical Analysis

Our email marketing professional looks through all technical problems with your present setup to make sure your email newsletters and other marketing emails reach the appropriate inboxes. These consist of the spam complaints you have received, delivery problems, and possible domain and IP blacklisting. According to data review studies, 25 to 33% of email addresses become invalid every year. We establish a benchmark for email metrics, check your top- and bottom-performing campaigns, and examine unsubscribes and subscriber demographics to make sure you’re working with up-to-date email lists.


  • Program Evaluation

This include a thorough evaluation of your email marketing strategy as well as a study of your current email automation, audience segmentation, and email list health (growth/shrinkage). Finding the greatest strategy to increase your marketing outcomes is the aim.


  • Recommendations

Our email marketing specialists assemble and give recommendations for code and design, content, and CTA after finishing our assessment. Additionally, we offer recommendations for email sending frequency, send days and times, automation, and the possibilities for A/B testing.

Why You Should UseDigininja360 for Email Marketing

Remain in prospects’ and customers’ minds One of the leading email marketing firms, digininja360 Internet Marketing Agency provides the best email marketing service at competitive prices. But don’t just believe what we say. Learn what our customers think of our email marketing services. Here are some further advantages of working with our email marketing company.